Oxygen’s Plugin Settings may be found via Oxygen > Settings in the WordPress admin area, or by clicking the Oxygen logo within the builder and clicking the Plugin Settings menu option.
After the page loads, there will be several tabs with various settings available
License Tab
The License tab is where you will enter your Oxygen license key to activate Oxygen and receive updates. You’ll also be able to opt into beta testing. Learn More.
User Access Tab
The User Access tab is where you can set access to Oxygen’s builder based upon user roles. Learn more about User Access through our Client Mode document.
Performance Tab
The Performance tab has a variety of options you can enable or disable to increase performance.
- Gutenberg Blocks CSS: Checking this option removes Gutenberg Blocks CSS to increase load time. Please note that by disabling this, if you’re using the Gutenberg Block editor, you may need to add some of your own custom CSS to stylize Gutenberg blocks on the front end.
- XML-RPC Pingbacks: This option removes the XML-RPC pingback information from the
on the front end, and disables the WordPress Pingback system.
- WP Emoji: This setting disables the WordPress JavaScript for rendering emojis. If you don’t use emojis on your site, disabling this is recommended. If you do use emojis, you may want to test leaving this setting disabled as most modern browsers support emojis.
- Dashicons: This option disables WordPress dashicons for logged out users.
- OEmbed: This option disables the automatic embedding of some content.
- RSD Links: Really Simple Discovery is a spec from 2003 related to desktop blog-publishing applications. It is also often used by XML-RPC clients to find out information about your WordPress blog. We recommend disabling this option.
- WLW Link: Windows Live Writer was a desktop blog-publishing application. It was EOL in 2012, and completely discontinued in 2017. We recommend disabling this.
- REST API: This option removes WP REST metadata from the
on the front end. It does not disable the REST API.
- WP Generator: Stop WordPress from adding the
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress x.x.x">
tag to your head.
- Remove Shortlink: WordPress includes a
<link rel=shortlink ...>
into the head if a shortlink is defined for the current page. Checking this setting disables that link.
- Relational Link: For single posts, WordPress places relational links in the head for the posts adjacent to the current post. Checking this option disables those links.
- RSS Feed: This option removes the RSS feed information from the
on the front end. It does not disable the RSS feeds.
Post Types Tab
The Post Types tab is where you can choose to enable Oxygen on all post types, or specific post types. By default, Oxygen will be enabled for all post types.
After you select one or more post types and save the page, Oxygen will be available for only those post types that are checked.
Advanced Tab
- Allow SVG Uploads In The WP Media Library: This allows SVGs to be uploaded using the WordPress Media Library. Learn more.
- Apply
filter to Oxygen content : By default, Oxygen does not apply the_content
filter to Oxygen-designed content. You can enable this option to make Oxygen run apply_filters('the_content', ...)
on singular content created with Oxygen, but you should understand the potential security implications.
- Allow unfiltered HTML in all dynamic data output: By default, Oxygen applies
to fields on posts with an author that lacks the unfiltered_html
capability. You can disable this if you understand the potential security implications.
- Enable rendering performance debugger: Use Server Timing API to audit rendering performance.
This section is where you can set the options for Oxygen’s Revisions System.
Design Library Tab
The Design Library tab lets you turn your site into a Design Set. Learn more about Design Sets.
Custom Code Tab
The Custom Code tab is where you can add Header Code and Footer Code. Learn more.
Tools Tab
The Tools Tab provides various tools to help keep your Oxygen website running smoothly
- Regenerate CSS Cache: Oxygen regenerates CSS as-needed when designs are saved. Using this tool will regenerate the caches for all Oxygen-created content.
- Soft Reset: This will reset Oxygen’s Icon Sets to factory defaults.
- Total Reset: This option will reset your entire Oxygen installation to factory defaults. Any content you’ve create created in Oxygen, such as Headers, Footers, and Templates, will still need to be manually deleted after this reset.
- Create Directories: This setting will create the directories required on your server for Oxygen to function properly. Creating these directories will not impact other settings in Oxygen.
- Replace URL: Use this tool to change URLs within Oxygen content. Learn more about URL replacement.
- Export Settings: Download all your Settings, Preferences, and Icon Sets to a JSON file.
- Import Settings: Select a JSON file with Oxygen settings to import them into your Oxygen installation. These settings may overwrite your current settings.