In this guide, we’ll discuss the basics of the Oxygen builder.
Oxygen’s builder can be accessed several different ways:
After you’ve opened a post, page, or other CPT in WordPress, you can click the Edit in Oxygen button located in the Top bar of WordPress or directly on the page.
If you don’t see this button, it means this post type is rendered by a template that has not been set up to allow for direct editing. You can determine which template is rendering a post by viewing the post on the front-end and checking the first item in the Oxygen dropdown in the admin bar.
To view a list of posts on your WordPress site, look for Posts in the WordPress admin menu in the left sidebar. You can also view a list of Pages by clicking Pages, or a list of any custom post type by clicking the appropriate custom post type name in the sidebar.
For any post in a post list that has already been edited with Oxygen, you can hover over the post name and click the Edit with Oxygen link to enter Oxygen quickly.
If this link doesn’t appear, it means that the post hasn’t been edited in Oxygen. You’ll need to click the post and enter the individual post edit screen to access Oxygen on that post.
When viewing an Oxygen website on the front end, if you hover over the Oxygen menu item in the WordPress admin menu, you will see an option to edit the post, as well as any other Oxygen templates, headers, or footers used on the page.
Oxygen’s builder is designed for optimal workflow. There are four common sections of the builder that will be referred to elsewhere in Oxygen’s documentation:
Oxygen’s built-in canvas is a live preview of what your design will look like on the frontend. If you’d like to get the interface out of the way, you can hit escape to exit the Properties Panel. You can also close the Structure Panel using the X icon near the top-left of the panel.
To preview your designs at various breakpoints, use the breakpoint dropdown at the center of the top bar in the interface. This will allow you to choose specific breakpoints and see how your design will look at that viewport width.
To view your design on the front end, find the ↗ button near the top of your screen. Click this to open the Preview Menu, then click on the Open in New Tab option to open the design in a new tab.
After you are done working with your design, you might want to return to your WordPress site. This can be selecting the Oxygen symbol in the Top Left of the Toolbar and then clicking the Exit to WordPress option.