Oxygen’s Client Mode allows clients to edit content without altering the design of the website. The focus is on ensuring that clients can modify text and other content elements, but are restricted from rearranging, adding, or deleting any design elements.
Important Security Note: Do not grant Edit Content Interface Only access to untrusted users. This access simplifies the user interface, but does not restrict privileges.
In Edit Content Mode, clients have limited control over the website. They can add custom content within existing elements and make necessary textual changes, but their ability to alter the website’s structure and design is significantly restricted. This mode ensures that clients can make content updates without impacting the overall design and layout of the page.
If you want to test the client mode without creating a new user account, you can impersonate a user with ‘edit content’ access from the Oxygen settings. This allows you to experience the client mode temporarily. Remember, once you exit and re-enter, you will return to your administrator role.