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Custom Fonts

Oxygen provides you the opportunity to add Custom Fonts to your site. The two main ways to add a font are to upload the files directly, or linking to them through external CSS.

Uploading Fonts

To upload fonts, first ensure you’ve downloaded the .woff/.woff2 files for all the desired font variations. Then, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Open Oxygen and go to Settings > Preferences.
  2. Select Custom Fonts.
  3. Click the Add Font button within the Add Font section.
  4. Name your font.
  5. Upload the .woff/.woff2 files for your font.
  6. Assign the files to the desired Font Weight and Style.
  7. Optionally, add a CSS fallback string.
  8. Click Save Fonts at the bottom of the Presets popup.

Using External CSS Fonts

You can also link to external CSS files to import fonts, this is especially useful for font libraries such as Adobe Fonts. With your CSS URL copied:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences in the Oxygen Builder.
  2. Select Custom Fonts.
  3. Click the Add CSS URL button within the Use Fonts In External CSS section.
  4. Paste in the CSS URL.
  5. Click Save Fonts at the bottom of the Presets popup.