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Footers allow you to display additional information below the content of every page on your website.

Creating a Footer

To create a Footer in Oxygen:

  1. Go to Oxygen > Footers in the WordPress admin panel.
  2. Click the Add Footer button near the top the page.
  3. Then, configure the Footer’s settings
  4. Lastly, click Add Footer.

After these steps are complete, you’ll then be able to edit the Footer in Oxygen.

Footer Settings

  • Title: Set the title used for the Footer in the WordPress admin area.
  • Location: Choose the location where you want the Footer to display. Using Everywhere is the recommended setting if you want to use the same Footer everywhere on your site.
  • Conditions: Apply conditions to the Footer to further decide where the Footer is visible.
  • Priority: Priority controls whether one Footer will override other Footers when multiple Footers can be applied to the same page.